Just when you thought it was safe to stay away from the game shop until 2015, Bedman happens.
Bedman's a new fighter in Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, arriving officially this week on PlayStation 3 and 4. As far as end of the year games go, it's pretty damn spectacular.
Not much else to report this week, and next week will be pretty much dead, save for Resogun making its way to PlayStations other than 4. Then we nap. Like Bedman.
Tuesday, December 16
- Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN | PS3/PS4
- Loadout | PS4
- Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD | Vita
- Super Mega Baseball | PS3/PS4
- Tetris Ultimate | PS4
Wednesday, December 17
- Kalimba | Xbox One/Xbox 360
- Tetris Ultimate | Xbox One
Thursday, December 18
- Meme Run | Wii U eShop
- Toys Vs. Monsters | 3DS eShop
Coming Soon
Tuesday, December 23
- Resogun | PS3/Vita