Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be forgoing the regular "best of the last seven days" thing for Fancy Pants and instead focus on the work of the best in the business.
And there could be no better way to start than with cosplay superstar Meagan Marie.
Formerly of Game Informer, Marie is now employed as Community & Communication Manager at Crystal Dynamics, the home of the Tomb Raider franchise.
But that's not why she's internet famous. Everyone has jobs.
Marie is internet famous because of her amazing cosplay skills, whether it be her picture-perfect costumes, modelling work or ability to really get into character, something so many in the field aren't able to pull off.
The gallery above has a selection of some of her best stuff, but you can see a lot more at her personal website.
Fancy Pants is a look at the world of cosplay (costume play), where people dress up as their favorite video game characters. Sometimes it works! Sometimes it...yeah.