Not much was revealed about the new Transformers video game today in New York City, but a Hasbro 2011 showcase was full of new Transformers toys. Most, as you'll see, were based on the movies and are part of the push for this summer's third live-action Transformers movie, Dark of the Moon. (The game will be a prelude to the movie and will likely feature some of the Transformers in these clips.)
This is the new movie version of Optimus Prime, as previously featured on our sister site io9.
More movie-based Transformers from the Mechtech line.
One more batch of movie Transformers. The one with the shroud is Megatron, I believe.
What's this? Transformers Go-Bots? The Go-Bot toys of the 80s were competitors to Hasbro's Transformers, but at some point Hasbro got the rights to the name. They've used the Go-Bot brand a few times, a Hasbro rep told me today, but he confirmed that these new Transformer Go-Bots have nothing to do with the old ones.