PlayStation Network reality show The Tester enters its second week, with just nine contestants vying for a Sony Computer Entertainment America QA testing job and no hope for cancellation. The newest episode "Communication Breakdown" is now live. Let's watch!
For those who may have missed last week's debut episode, two contestants were eliminated, the bevested Barmy, booted for his low score and evil vibe detected by judge Hal Sparks, and the mysterious Roni, who may have simply been too tender for such a vicious competition. Who will be eliminated this week? And what profanity from guest judge David Jaffe will be bleeped? Follow along in our liveblog, download the episode (they're free!) and make sure you've set your personal preferences to Reality Show Mode.
Just watch your words. There are a couple of Testers in the Kotaku comments ready to give you a piece of their mind.
Update: Well that certainly was exciting. If you didn't catch our liveblog of all the quality assurance job hunting drama, we're now down to eight contestants minus one "Goof," plus one sure to fail alliance headed by Doc. Doc replaces Barmy as the villain, of sorts, at least until Zombie Barmy returns thanks to some magical voodoo vest falling into the wrong hands.
Here's hoping that we get to see a little more David Jaffe in the next episode and at least one drunken brawl. The amount of Tester on Tester violence is intolerably low right now! Just kidding, play safe, kids!