After months of speculation and a sly Instagram tease, Dwayne Johnson is revealed as the voice of The Foundation in the dramatic conclusion to Fortnite chapter two. Watch The Rock turn the entire island upside-down, literally.
The Foundation is the leader of The Seven, an organization dedicated to keeping the Imagined Order (IO) from abusing the nexus of all reality in Fortnite. Appearing as a helmeted figure earlier in Fortnite’s second chapter as well as in a special Batman/Fortnite crossover comic, today The Foundation’s face covering finally came off, revealing the handsome mug of Dwayne Johnson.

Johnson’s appearance is no surprise to keen-eyed Instagram followers. A couple of days ago the wrestler/actor posted what looked like an ad for his Zoa energy drink on his Insta, but inside the refrigerator housing the beverages was a replica of The Foundation’s helmet.
The Foundation played an important role in today’s one-time-only “The End” event in Fortnite. As the Cube Queen, who’s been besieging the island for a large portion of season eight, prepares a final attack on the forces of good, The Foundation arrives at a familiar bunker deep beneath the island’s surface, just in time to save Jonesy from termination at the hands of the sinister Dr. Sloan. Jonesy and The Foundation make their way to the bunker’s control room, where the pair prepare to take us “to the other side.”
Cut to the surface, where another member of The Seven known as The Scientist, voiced by someone sounding a lot like Joel McHale of Community, leads players to the island’s core. As the entire landmass begins to tilt, players are shot out into the ocean, where they witness the final demise of the Cube Queen. Turns out even a being possessing ultimate power can’t survive having an entire island dropped on her head.
You can watch the entire event from my perspective in the video below. Keen-eyed watchers will notice former Kotaku managing editor Riley MacLeod in buff cat form accompanying my unicorn on the adventure. There’s some lag and rubber banding towards the end, but the whole story is right here.
As always with these finales, Fortnite is now down for several days as Epic prepares for the start of chapter three. The island is now upside down, so we’re getting a whole new map. Epic has a website set up that will reveal the new map once enough folks have tweeted with the hashtag #Fortniteflipped.

In the meantime, logging into the game shows my character floating alone in the ocean. Occasionally a bit of debris floats by. Someone send snacks, please.