I don't care how damn old it is, they put me in charge of the Open Thread post while Kirk is at the Game Developers Conference and if that means giraffe pictures, then so be it.
With my luck they'll be some sort of Gawker-wide moratorium on giraffe pictures resulting in instant termination. In case of such an occurrence, stay tuned for tomorrow's Open Thread, brought to you by someone so new and nervous they just post a completely blank image.
The giraffe will still be there, lurking in the murky recesses of your eyes, pointing at the duck of justice, calling me home.
It's been a really long day. Let's look at some stuff!
- Josh Brolin does a better Tommy Lee Jones than Tommy Lee Jones. Men in Black 3 just keeps looking better and better. Just when I thought I could live the rest of my life without ever seeing Will Smith again.
- What do you get when you cross Star Wars toys with broken doll parts? Nightmares, my friends. Horrific nightmares from which there is no waking.
- WAR! What is it good for? Making these 10 companies billions of dollars. Don't try getting a job there and then starting a war; they're all onto that ploy.
- There are many jobs out there in which being well-endowed physically is considered a plus. The post of Oxford Union Librarian is not one of these. I know this because I got a job at a library once, and my breasts are horrible.
- Some things are better left unsaid, especially if you're filthy stinking rich. Cracked.com has a list of things rich folks need to stop saying. I prefer to think of it as a list of things we should be able to legally mug rich people for saying, but that's just me.
And that's the end of my 12-hour day. Come back tomorrow to see if I can get anymore deliriously tired.