So far, we’ve only seen Daredevil on Netflix, the first series out of the four-show deal that Marvel struck with the streaming platform. The Jessica Jones show comes out next month, but the streams of the two series are already intermingling in a fun way.
This week, a free one-shot called Marvel’s Jessica Jones serves as a bit of a prequel for the upcoming show. The short story reunites writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Michael Gaydos with the title character they created in the Alias series from a few years back. In the comic, Jones sneaks into a hospital on the trail of a lowlife thug named Turk.
The reason he’s in the hospital? None other than Daredevil.
Daredevil and the super-strong private eye don’t meet directly but Turk’s tale of getting his butt handed to him by the blind superhero marks the first time that Jessica ever hears about the Man Without Fear.
It’s fitting that Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones’ indirect connection happens in the medium where the characters were born. And it’s even more appropriate that it’s Bendis writing this vignette, seeing as how he had long relationships with both characters.
The showrunners for Daredevil have talked about how the production schedules for all of the Marvel Netflix series have made it hard for them to have cameos or plotlines that ties that corner of the universe together. This story is the first step towards setting up the kinds of interconnectivity that makes the Marvel Cinematic Universe so fun.
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