Yesterday marked two years since the tragic arson attack at Kyoto Animation’s Studio 1 building in the Fushimi area.
As Kotaku previously reported, the attack left 36 dead and another 33 injured.
On Sunday, Kyoto Animation posted a roughly ten-minute memorial clip on YouTube, which was only viewable that day and could not be embedded. ANN News reports that a closed memorial service was held on the site where the studio once stood.
“It was an extremely tragic and indescribable experience,” said Kyoto Animation president Hideaki Hatta in a memorial address (via Asahi News). “I’m truly sorry for failing to protect all of you.”
Over 70 people, including studio representations and families of the deceased, attended the memorial. At 10:35 am, there was a moment of silence to mark the moment the attack occurred.
Earlier this month, Kyoto Animation released an official statement.
“We sincerely express our gratitude for your continued kindness and support,” wrote Kyoto Animation in the statement. “It has been almost two years since the incident that took place at our 1st studio. With grief in our hearts, we have been producing animations while supporting each other and have kept moving forward day by day since then.”
Kyoto Animation respectfully declined any flowers or monetary gifts and has asked fans not to visit the site for the former studio. As seen in the ANN News report, fans did make a pilgrimage to the vicinity, against the studio’s wishes, in order to pay their respects and pray.
“We sincerely ask for your cooperation in refraining from visiting the site of the 1st studio, including surrounded areas, regardless of the date,” stated Kyoto Animation. “Kind attention to the residents in the area is highly appreciated.”
Shinji Aoba was indicted last December for the arson attack for several charges of murder and attempted murder, Asahi News reports. He believed the studio stole his novel—something the studio has denied—and is quoted as saying, “I thought I could kill many people by using gasoline.” Aoba was hospitalized for substantial burn injuries and, according to Kyodo News, is currently being detained at the Osaka Detention House where he is awaiting trial.