We now know when the highly anticipated Death Stranding comes out and what it’s about (kind of), which ends some of the mystery around this absurd and fascinating-looking game. But not all of the mystery has been unraveled yet, so we can all still make jokes about it.
After Kojima left Konami in 2015, people wondered what he’d do next. The answer, we all soon learned, was Death Stranding. Until now, most of the trailers left us with more questions than answers. Now we know: it comes out on November 8th of this year, somehow, and it’s about a nation divided by... something, that main character Samuel Bridges (played by Norman Reedus) is trying to bridge. Also, the enemies are called Homo Demons (representation is so important). Yesterday’s trailer shows off more gameplay and way more details about the plot, although the whole thing remains enigmatic and kinda bonkers.
The internet never saw anything enigmatic and kinda bonkers that couldn’t be joked about. The jokes started immediately, and I hope they do not stop before November.

I’m along for the ride on Death Stranding. It will probably make me groan as much as it truly amazes me, but I can’t help but respect a project that is so openly horny for Mads Mikkelsen, and which also has a character named “Die-Hardman.” It’s like Kojima reached into my brain and made the game I was dreaming of.