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The IGF Mobile Finalists Get Front Page iTuning

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We've spent the past month or so talking about the Independent Games Festival finalists, but we haven't really touched on the mobile category.

Earlier this week iTunes dropped a banner on the front page of the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch download service to promote some of the IGF Mobile finalist and honorable mentions. Well played, Apple.

Touching or clicking on the big orange square brings you to a page with 17 games listed for prices ranging from free to $4.99. Here's what you can pick up if you're interested:

Drop 7: $2.99
Guerrilla Bob: $2.99
lilt line: $2.99
MiniSquadron: $2.99
Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor: $2.99
Stair Dismount: $1.99
Tumbledrop: $1.99
Zombie Pizza: $1.99
Aera: $0.99
Ancient Frog: $4.99
Doodle Jump: $0.99
Earth Dragon: $2.99
iBlast Moki: $2.99
Mind Wall: $0.99
Minigore: $1.99
Pocket God: $0.99


I've played Minigore, Doodle Jump, Spider and Drop 7. Which have you played?