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Now These Are Some Good-Lookin' Giant Robots

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You may not have heard of World War Machine, an indie project that's part of Square Enix's Collective program. Which means you might not have seen its amazing robot designs either. Shame.

Artist Aaron Beck has done some work for the project. Beck is one of the best in the business when it comes to this stuff; employed at WETA, he worked on Elysium and District 9.


These designs aren't just badass; clearly inspired by various animals, they show that just when you think popular robot/mech designs are getting stale, or there's nowhere else for them to go, there's always room for something fresh.


"I wanted to explore this idea through robotics design that has a biomechanical feel, and shows hints of the lost humanity that created them", Beck wrote on his blog of the designs. "Milled metal forms take on bone and cellular structural forms, ribbon cables connecting componentry mimic nerves and vascular systems. Kind of like an anatomically inspired skinned robot. Lots of fun to develop!"

You can see more of Beck's art at his personal site. (thanks CAW!)

To see the larger pics in all their glory (or, if they’re big enough, so you can save them as wallpaper), click on the “expand” button in the bottom-right corner.


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