Pendleton Ward's quirky cartoon sensation Adventure Time makes its video game debut this fall in Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?! for the DS and 3DS. I'm so, so happy.
Created by the 2D masters at Wayforward Technologies with story support by Mr. Ward himself Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?! sees our best-friend heroes Jake and Finn taking on the vile Ice King, who has stolen everyone's garbage. Normally that would be cause for a nice nap, but when Finn finds out his nemesis is using the trash to create a Garbage Queen... I'm guessing he's as curious as I am and goes to take a look.
Honestly I can't imagine a better developer to work on a game like this, and with Pendleton Ward on the scene I'm as excited as a Cartoon Network Enterprises VP in an official press release.
"The rich and diverse characters in the Adventure Time world are absolutely perfect for a video game franchise and working with D3Publisher, WayForward and Pendelton Ward, we have a great team in place to bring it to life," said Pete Yoder, vice president of consumer products, Cartoon Network Enterprises. "This game will provide the Land of Ooo experience that young fans will love."
Awwww, he called us young. Look for Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?! from D3Publisher in my 3DS this fall.