We're coming to the conclusion of our Best Game Music of 2011 series—there are only two games left! I've been having a lot of fun writing these, and thanks to Luke and Evan for their entries as well.
As I've been doing the posts, I've been getting lots of notes from readers about game soundtracks you guys would like to see included. The comments, too, have been filled with tons of great suggestions. Since this series isn't some all-encompassing, definitive list, I thought it would be fun to compile reader submissions, giving you guys a chance to share your favorite music while recognizing the soundtracks for games that I either didn't have time to write about or didn't have time to play.
Here's what we'll do: In the comments section of this post, Put a YouTube video of a song from the soundtrack you're nominating, along with an explanation of why you think the music is great. No need to be super technical or anything, just explain why you dig the song—the part of the game it plays alongside, how it makes you think of other games, whatever. Maybe try to avoid spoilers, though.
I'll go through them over the next couple of days and assemble the best ones into a post that will run on Friday afternoon.
Have at it!
(Top Image Credit | Kirsty Pargeter/Shutterstock)