Tonight’s Fine Art is focused entirely on Turtle Rock’s new Back 4 Blood, the studio’s latest attempt to take the formula they almost perfected with Left 4 Dead and, well, perfect it.
While they didn’t quite manage that (for Zack at least), the game still has some cool ideas. It also has some nice stuff going on visually, that is able to both link the game to Left 4 Dead while also clearly saying, hey, this is something new.
The art you’re about to see isn’t every piece done by everyone who worked on the game. Nor is everyone an employee, or still an employee of, Turtle Rock. It is, however, a cross-section of art that should give you a good idea of what Turtle Rock were thinking during development, and combines both conceptual illustrations and more final stuff like character models.
You’ll find links to each artist/studio’s portfolio in their names below.
Michael Shinde

One Pixel Brush

Jason Hill

Elliot Betancourt

Phill Gonzales

Laryssa Brown

Lucas Lanier

Grayson Hughbanks

Roger Lundeen

Jared Chavez