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The 5 Best (And Worst) Dunks In Pokemon Unite

The 5 Best (And Worst) Dunks In Pokemon Unite

Pokémon Unite lets Snorlax, Gengar, and co. show off, though some perform better than others

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Several Pokémon jump towards a goal in Pokémon Unite.
Image: TiMi Studio Group / The Pokémon Company

Pokémon Unite, the TiMi Studio Group-developed MOBA released last month, is super fun. But the best thing about Pokémon shifting genres is getting to see the eponymous pocket monsters engage in a much different kind of competition.


As matches revolve around placing accrued orbs in a hoop-like goal, every Pokémon has a unique way of scoring points. Sadly, not all these animations are created equal. Some Pokémon dunk, some shoot, and some figuratively drop the ball.

Here are some of my most and least favorite dunks in Pokémon Unite. Let me know what you think in the comments!

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Bulbasaur (Best)

Bulbasaur (Best)

Gif: TiMi Studio Group / The Pokémon Company / Kotaku

I’ll fully admit to loving Bulbasaur the most out of the original Pokémon Red and Blue starters, which may have affected its spot in the ranking some. But seriously, you gotta give it up for the way the Grass-type Pokémon uses its vines to slam the ball down. That kind of ingenuity is rare from the rest of the cast, and more than earns Bulbasaur some praise.

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Alolan Vulpix (Worst)

Alolan Vulpix (Worst)

Gif: TiMi Studio Group / The Pokémon Company / Kotaku

I think Alolan Vulpix relies too much on its beauty to get away with being lazy and boring. Honey, I know you’re gorgeous, but we’re down 100 points and you’re barely even trying.


Correction (08/06/2021, 6:38 p.m. ET): A previous version of this story referred to the above Pokémon as “Galarian Vulpix.” Sorry for the error!

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Froakie (Best)

Froakie (Best)

Gif: TiMi Studio Group / The Pokémon Company / Kotaku

Not much to say here. I just really like the way Froakie dives into the basket. Good boy, Froakie.

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Gardevoir (Worst)

Gardevoir (Worst)

Gif: TiMi Studio Group / The Pokémon Company / Kotaku

My biggest gripe with Gardevoir’s scoring animation is simply how much time she wastes. You’re a psychic, we get it, please just put the ball in the goal already and get back to help us take down Zapdos.

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Garchomp (Best)

Garchomp (Best)

Gif: TiMi Studio Group / The Pokémon Company / Kotaku

Garchomp might not look like the most acrobatic Pokémon in the world—probably something to do with those massive, bladed forearms—but this pseudo-Legendary dragon brought its A-game to Pokémon Unite. It’s a little hard to make out, but yes, Garchomp is absolutely performing a front flip before kicking the orb into the goal with one of its back feet.

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Mr. Mime (Worst)

Mr. Mime (Worst)

Gif: TiMi Studio Group / The Pokémon Company / Kotaku

Again, my bias is showing here, because Mr. Mime is creepy as fuck. I do enjoy the fact that he juggles the ball before scoring like a Harlem Globetrotter, but I still can’t get over his humanoid features. He’s like some unholy mixture of person and Pokémon and I can’t deal, even in a game as frantic as Pokémon Unite.

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Gengar (Best)

Gengar (Best)

Gif: TiMi Studio Group / The Pokémon Company / Kotaku

Gengar is arguably the best character in Pokémon Unite thanks to his Sludge Bomb+Hex combo, which lets him do a ton of damage to opponents safely over a short period of time. Naturally, this means the ghostly terror also has one of the coolest dunks. Rather than going over the top, however, Gengar plays up its role as the class clown by going underneath the basket and shooting upwards. Keep it up, buddy, you’re doing great.

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Slowpoke (Worst)

Slowpoke (Worst)

Gif: TiMi Studio Group / The Pokémon Company / Kotaku

Slowpoke is one of those Pokémon you can’t help but love. It’s a big dopey dork, qualities that have remained endearing even as the Pokédex has expanded. With that in mind, I guess you could almost call its dunk in Pokémon Unite “so bad it’s good.” It doesn’t even know what’s going on! Get your head in the game, Slowpoke!

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Snorlax (Best)

Snorlax (Best)

Gif: TiMi Studio Group / The Pokémon Company / Kotaku

Snorlax is one of the best things about Pokémon Unite, so of course the big beefy boy is going to be at the top of this list. Snorlax is best known for sleeping in the middle of battles to regain a bit of health, and his scoring animation is just as leisurely. Look at the way he flops down and bounces the energy ball of his belly. Exquisite.

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Venusaur (Worst)

Venusaur (Worst)

Gif: TiMi Studio Group / The Pokémon Company / Kotaku

Bulbasaur may go the extra mile when it scores in Pokémon Unite, but big daddy Venusaur is a whole other story. Watching him dunk is lame because it’s just so easy for him. The flowery dinosaur doesn’t even have to jump, he just reaches up and places the ball in the hoop. Venusaur, I know you’re usually carrying the team, but a bit of showmanship would still be appreciated.
