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The 14 Weirdest And Strangest Star Wars Names

The 14 Weirdest And Strangest Star Wars Names

From oddly long alien names to Scooba Stev from Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, here’s the oddest collection of names in the galaxy

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A collage of Star Wars trading cards shows some of the weirdest characters.
Image: Lucasfilm / Disney / Topps / Kotaku

The Star Wars universe is massive and getting bigger yearly as Disney and Lucasfilm continue creating new shows, movies, games, and more. And as with anything this big, some weirder bits can be found. For example, Star Wars has some very odd and funny names.


Before we begin listing the weirdest names in Star Wars, just a heads up: Some of these names are connected to characters who are no longer canon, meaning they don’t technically exist in the main timeline of the movies and shows. But just because they aren’t canon doesn’t make them any less funny or strange. I won’t let Disney’s purchase of Star Wars stop me from joking about Luke’s clone or that Jedi from the animated Clone Wars mini-series who looked a lot like a famous cartoon stoner. Oh and just because a name is on this list doesn’t mean it’s bad. Weird can be good. In fact, it often is in Star Wars!

Anyway, here are the 14 weirdest and strangest names from that famous galaxy far, far away…

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An image shows URoRRuR’R’R.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Remember that Tusken Raider who attacks Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars? Yeah, he has a name, and it’s URoRRuR’R’R. Well, now in the new canon he has another, less weird name, A’Koba. But before that retcon, URoRRuR’R’R was his only name, and a wonderful name it is.

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An image shows Luuke.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

No, that’s not a typo. That’s the character’s name. You see, Luuke (pronounced like you’re reading the name Luke for the very first time and trying your best) was a clone of Luke Skywalker. He was created from DNA scraped from Luke’s hand after it was cut off by Vader in Empire Strikes Back. Luuke is a good example of how Star Wars can get too weird sometimes.

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Paodok’Draba’Takat Sap’De’Rekti Nik’Linke’Ti’ Ki’Vef’Nik’NeSevef’Li’Kek

Paodok’Draba’Takat Sap’De’Rekti Nik’Linke’Ti’ Ki’Vef’Nik’NeSevef’Li’Kek

An image shows Pao.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

I’ll give you a few minutes to read that whole name. And yes that’s his full name. This lizard man appeared in Rogue One as a rebel fighter. Most folks just call him Pao because otherwise this poor alien would be stuck spending half his day listening to people say his name to him just to say hi.

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Savage Oppress

Savage Oppress

An image that shows Savage Oppress.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

So you need a name for your big, bad villain who is deadly and not the most civilized fella in the galaxy. Why not just pick two words that describe your character, stick them together, and call it day? That’s what happened with Darth Maul’s brother, Savage Oppress. Yes, I know it’s pronounced “suh VAH-juh” but…like, come on. Come on.

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An image that shows Ima-Gun-Di.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

There’s a Jedi in Star Wars: The Clone Wars who was destined to die. This character wasn’t very important and was really only going to matter for this one bit in this much bigger series. That’s why this Jedi is called Ima-Gun-Di aka I’m gonna die. Poor bastard. At least it’s easy to remember his name and what happens to him!

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Elan Sleazebaggano

Elan Sleazebaggano

An image that shows Elan.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

With a name like Sleazebaggano, there really weren’t many options for this guy other than ending up as a drug dealer in a seedy nightclub. And yes, I know that technically he’s now known as Elan Sel’Sabagno but George Lucas himself named this guy. And George wanted him to be called Sleazabaggano and damn it, I’m going to respect the creator of Star Wars and his wishes.

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Master Bayts

Master Bayts

An image that shows Master Bayts.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

Stop laughing. That’s his name, okay? Soon Bayts is a highly respected and well-trained Jedi Knight. Show him some respect. Yes, his last name combined with the Jedi title of Master sounds a bit like masturbating. But please, you are all being so rude right now. You know what, no! Nope. No jokes. We are moving on. Next!

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Therm Scissorpunch

Therm Scissorpunch

An image shows Therm.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

You probably won’t be surprised to learn that someone named Scissorpunch has giant lobster-like claws. What might surprise you is that this character, who first appeared in Solo: A Star Wars Story, was revealed via a Denny’s commercial. And his name was then revealed via a trading card you got from Denny’s. I own that card. It’s hanging in my office bathroom. This isn’t a bit or a joke. If you ask me for a photo I’ll share one.

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Ello Asty

Ello Asty

An image that shows Ello Asty.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Is the idea of an entire species of aliens who all have names based on Beastie Boys songs or albums too weird for you? Well, tough luck. Ello Asty is just one of many Abednedo who all share the odd quirk of having names that relate to the Beastie Boys, a popular hip-hop trio. Thanks, J.J. Abrams! I think…

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Dexter Jettster

Dexter Jettster

An image shows Dexter.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Why is there a ‘50s-themed diner in the middle of the city-planet Coruscant? Stop asking questions and start talking about Dexter Jettster, a four-armed chef who works at said diner and is apparently good friends with Obi-Wan Kenobi as we learn in Episode II: Attack of the Clones. He also has a dark past that involves bounty hunting, assassins, and secret planets. This guy has a weird name, but he’s rad, too. Disney, give Dexter a Disney+ show!

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Notluwiski Papanoida

Notluwiski Papanoida

An image that shows Papanoida.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, finally made a cameo appearance in his iconic franchise in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. And apparently, the alien he played was named Notluwiski Papanoida. Get it? NOT LUCAS! How clever and fun.

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Droopy McCool

Droopy McCool

An image shows McCool.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

Technically this is now just a stage name, but I don’t care. Droopy McCool is so silly, even as a stage name. The idea of someone, even an alien musician named Snit, deciding that the best stage name they can come up with is Droopy McCool and going with that is one of the funniest things in the entire franchise.


Apparently, an early name for this odd alien was Der Droopy which is also weird but not as weird or good as Droopy McCool. Here’s to you McCool, you wonderful bastard.

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Sha’a Gi

Sha’a Gi

An image shows Sha'a Gi.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm / Kotaku

You might have read this name and thought, that sounds a lot like Shaggy. And then thought, wait is this character a reference to the cartoon stoner who hangs out with Scooby-Doo all the time? And then you might have, understandably, assumed that, no, there’s no way they stuck Shaggy from Scooby-Doo into Star Wars. But logic and reason don’t exist in Star Wars, especially not in the old EU era of the franchise. So yes, this character from the 2D animated Clone Wars series is basically Shaggy as a Jedi. What a world, huh?

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Scooba Stev

Scooba Stev

An image shows Scooba Stev.
Image: Disney / Lucasfilm / Respawn

The reason I created this list was because I wanted to honor this little alien fisherman from Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Scooba Stev’s name is clearly a pun on Scuba Steve aka the diver action figure from the Adam Sandler film Big Daddy. Fun fact: In the scene where Sandler dresses up as Scuba Sam (Steve’s dad) to trick the kid into bathing and studying, the young boy is playing Twisted Metal 3 on PS1. Good choice. Oh and yeah, Scooba Stev is a weird name and a bizarre reference. And that’s just fine by me.
