There are many things to do in Kyrat, lots of things to see. If you're looking to make the most of your time in Far Cry 4, however, we have some suggestions for you.
Far Cry 4 presents you with a playground. A lot of the fun comes from being creative with that playground, and the tools the game gives you. With that in mind, C1intBeastwood has devised a list of fun activities outside of the main game itself that any Far Cry 4 player can have a blast with with.
You'll need to watch the video in order to see how these things are done, but the list includes:
- Buzzer battle (you'll need a buddy for this challenge)
- Clay Bear Shooting (you can try other animals for added challenge)
- Fishing with explosives
- Trickshotting animals
- Elephant Jousting (I've also seen 'pin the tail on the elephant' using arrows, for a twist)
- C4 Bucket Ball
- Boat Space Program (you can try this with other vehicles too!)
- Death Races
- Hijacking cargo trucks, James Bond style
- Wingsuit off a bridge
Lots of these involve a friend in co-op!
Bonus: try a game of Wingsuit Chicken with your buddies, as AH Community demonstrate:
Have you tried any of these games or challenges? Have you come up with any of your own? Let us know in the comments.