Don't be confused! This is tonight's open thread! If you want to chit-chat about video games and beyond, do so. If you seek advice, opinion or just good conversation from your fellow Kotaku readers, this is the place to be.
There's some Thai food that needs pickin' up, so this Reviews Editor is off to do so. You can talk about these things and more—or alternatively, you can browse NASA's astronomy picture of the day archives, which is always a good time—but we must insist that you have a good, safe and productive weekend. Adios, amigos!
- How Steve Jobs 'out-Japanned' Japan - Just some interesting insight into how Apple does things.
- Serious Eats "dollar menu" favorites - God, I'm so hungry for something terrible for me.
- First look at Star Trek Mr. Potato Heads - Klingon bastards killed my son!
- Joe Biden thinks The Onion's spoofs of him are hilarious - Good on ya, Joe.
- Your update on the shit going down in Egypt - Mubarak is cleaning house, which doesn't sound like the right move.