Welcome to November. Welcome to more Talking Amongst Yourselves about video games. Have at it in the comments section.
The images atop each TAY are made by you, the readers. Well, they are made by you making some sort of video-game-oriented manipulation of a classic painting, preferably one tied to what's going on in games these days. With each new month, we have a new image for you to play with. This month we've got Winslow Homer's The Gulf Stream. Ivan Moore Bacon Wright II suggested this image back in August. It took a while for his voice to be heard, but it has finally happened. So head over to this thread to grab a copy of the image and start tweaking it as you see fit. Just keep the proportions (16x9) and make sure the image is at least 640 pixels wide. Submit your images to #TAYpics.
Have fun!