To: Ash
From: Crecente
Re: So, iTunes 10, Huh
Video Game Pulled Globally From Military Stores Over Taliban Inclusion">We broke a pretty big story today, speaking with the commanding general of the Army and Air Force Exchange Services about his decision to effectively ban the sale of Medal of Honor at all Army and Air Force bases worldwide.
The decision was based on the fact that the game allows you to play as the Taliban in multiplayer matches.
I've been pressing Electronic Arts for comment about how serious the impact could be on sales of the game, given the fact that there are nearly one million personnel serving in those two branches and that, I suspect, not a few of them like to play military shooters. But no response yet. GameStop too hasn't responded to my calls or emails.
Fortunately AAFES has been quick to respond. I'm still chasing down some more details with them about the potential impact which I hope to include in my syndicated column tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, it looks like there may be some big news hitting on the opening day of PAX.
What you missed:
Flight of the Move Controllers
Medal of Honor's Gunfighters, Uncut
Halo Kitty
Checking out Shogun 2: Total War's Flexible AI in Action
Video Game Pulled Globally From Military Stores Over Taliban Inclusion
The Man Who Invented Home Video Games Knew His Guns
Our Video Game Gun Rack
Will Duke Nukem Forever Come Out To Play At PAX?
PX Commanding General Explains Global Ban on Medal of Honor Game
Rockstar's L.A. Noire Now Scheduled For Early 2011