After five years of operation, the MMO branch of Games Workshop’s popular fantasy universe will be closing down.…
After a long day in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, one builds up a big Orcish thirst. The best way to quench…
GigaMedia and Mythic Entertainment are bringing Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau…
EA and Mythic Entertainment are getting ready to invade Russia next month, as they announce the official February…
The "Day of Reckoning" has finally arrived, and while most of the players interested have been plugging away at the…
Mythic is going big with the Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning launch across North America and Europe this week,…
So how much will World of Warcraft players have to upgrade their systems to make good on their threats of leaving…