A couple of years ago, in the summer before the release of the second Assassin's Creed I found myself discussing the…
I am basing that description on the fact the trailer is emphasising two things: the game's nice lighting and the…
You too can half-tuck like Nathan Drake this year with the official Uncharted belt buckle, one of a many fine prizes…
Uncharted Golden Abyss is the best reason, but certainly not the only one, to buy Sony's still-codenamed Next…
The first two Uncharted games for the PlayStation 3 established Naughty Dog as one of the premiere single-player…
Beginning on June 28, certain PlayStation 3 owners will be given access to a multiplayer beta for the upcoming Unchar…
And Sony even has a stupid countdown clock. [Desert]
In this behind-the-scenes piece on Uncharted 3, we get a look at how actor Nolan North literally becomes series hero…
The Uncharted game in development for Sony's new NGP handheld is an all-new adventure, begging the question: how…
YouTube user marki34 took photos every four feet on his way to work at game developer Naughty Dog. Around 1,500…
Commenter Monsieur Froid returns to Speak Up on Kotaku once more to ask readers whether they want daring new…
The Uncharted movie sounds pretty stupid! It's about a globe-trotting family of antiques collectors that dispense…
My first few minutes spent playing Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception in the game's multiplayer mode was dedicated to…
Soon, you'll be able to high five your PlayStation Network and Facebook buddies while standing over the corpse of…
Swedish artist junkboy, who we saw turning new games into old ones and is now on the development team at Minecraft…
How good is the fire of Uncharted 3? We were already impressed, but here's a fine explanation of the late 2011…
We will never see official LEGO versions of Resident Evil, Modern Warfare, Max Payne, Gears of War, Final Fantasy or…
The CES 2011 trailer for Naughty Dog's next PlayStation 3 adventure, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, had a slightly…
The Uncharted movie sure sounds rotten. David O. Russell directing Mark Wahlberg and a family of archaeologists?…
Uncharted developer Naughty Dog has teased us with small doses of its latest, perhaps greatest PlayStation 3 game, …