I really enjoy playing old games. This will come as no surprise to readers that keep up with our Friday Old Games…
How can I know what video games will be like in the year 2040? How can I do anything but speculate? Preparing for a…
The same kind of touchscreen-controlled, widget-enabled technology that lets us customize and personalize devices…
New York City is one of the most played locations in games, serving as the inspirational backdrop for games like…
We didn't turn out too badly, did we? A comic from famed 80's - early 90's prophet Gary Larson, found via Reddit.
As seen at the ceBIT Technology Fair on io9. [Image by Sean Gallup/Getty Images]
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot predicted today not just a coming generation of consoles and a gaming revolution in…
Epic Games, the folks behind Gears of War, know a lot about how games are made now. So there's a good chance Epic…
There's much that Star Trek tells us about the future of collared shirts, the U.N. and torpedoes, but we've been…