During Tokyo Game Show, Sony invited a bunch of reporters to peek around Polphony Digital, the developer of the Gran…
One of the lessons I learned at my first Tokyo Game Show last week is that waiting for games there is different. (Spe…
I am no expert on vibrating gaming chairs. I'm certain they've been shaking players for years. Here's one, called…
I wasn't playing the new Splinter Cell right at the Tokyo Game Show last week. So the game's creative director…
More than 45 Kotaku readers have taken their orders from Hideo Kojima himself and are attempting to free the man…
Thrilling combat, transforming hot rods, and enough drama to fill your average American high school, all in this…
One of the big things that's different about the Toyo Game show is that it doesn't just put up with children it…
During a chat last week with Kotaku about his upcoming PlayStation 3 game, developer Fumito Ueda discussed two key,…
The United States may have given birth to video games, but it was Japan that brought them to life.
This year's Tokyo Game Show is over, but our memories will live on. Nothing says memories like checking attendance…
What we know about SEGA's upcoming PS3 exclusive Ryu Ga Gotoku 4 (Yakuza 4): It has bar hostesses. What we know…
DS title "Ni no Kuni" is not just another role-playing-game from Fukuoka-based developer Level-5, it is the first…
There are loads of video game arcades in Tokyo, but there is only one Brian Crecente. We think. Maybe there are two,…
Normally, we politely but clearly decline accepting catalogs and promotional books at game conventions. (They…
We braved a sea of outrageously sized cameras and sweat-stained shirts for the second day of Japanese kids wearing…
Square Enix's attempt to shift the Front Mission series from turn-based strategy role-playing game to third-person…
The creator of Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and forthcoming Last Guardian got a cat when he started making his new…
Sharing one booth at TGS were three companies that don't have much in common.
Speaking with Cave's Makato Asada at Tokyo Game Show, we inquired about the developer's upcoming shoot-em-up release…
The Game Science Museum at the Tokyo Game Show this year housed not only video games but an exhibition of armor and…