You're late for your job at the secret underwater lab. Dashing through the lobby you see two women step into the…
There's only one way a meal between the boisterous Brad Wong and boyish Eliot in Tecmo Koei's Dead or Alive 5 can…
Tecmo Koei CEO, Yoichi Erikawa recently said in an interview with Weekly Famitsu that the alpha version of the…
I don't get it, Tecmo Koei. This is supposed to be the "Sexy Costume" trailer, but it only shows Zack for all of…
Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 was announced at E3 with little more than a trailer and fan speculation. Now,…
With Tina and Jann Lee returning to the ring in Dead or Alive 5, there are just too many pretty characters in the…
In today's flora and fauna focused Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Troublehalf shares a short but sweet comment about…
According to online research site Nensyu Labo, here is a list of the mean yearly income for the game industry with…
Now that all talk of misogyny, mistreatment and objectification of women has been put to rest; now that we've all…
The folks behind poorly received action game Ninja Gaiden 3 tried too hard to make it appeal to Western tastes,…
Since the release of the first Pokémon role-playing game in 1996, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have attempted to…
You know how it goes when you're facing another person in a fighting game round: both players have whittled off…
As Dead or Alive 5 developer Team Ninja explained last month, the upcoming fighter will show character clothing…
You might be wondering what Tecmo Koei's got up its corporate sleeves after Ninja Gaiden 3 chopped its way release…
I always figured Zack's ridiculous clothing in Dead or Alive was due to the influence of series creator Tomonobu…
Link and Samus outfits are coming to upcoming 3DS game Dynasty Warriors VS, allowing Dynasty Warriors characters…
They've got Virtua Fighter in my Dead or Alive 5! Virtua Sega fighting game poster Akira Yuki is crossing over…
The third installment of Tecmo Koei's Dynasty Warriors / Samurai Warriors hack-and-slash crossover is coming to…
Tecmo Koei PS Vita launch title Dynasty Warriors Next plays like a standard Dynasty Warriors title for the most…
If you thought the Fatal Frame series was terrifying, wait until you hold it in the palm of your hand. You'll get…