Kitty0706 was a popular YouTuber who made funny videos for nearly a decade. He spent two of those years battling…
Kitty0706 was a popular YouTuber who made funny videos for nearly a decade. He spent two of those years battling…
What happens when Alien: Isolation and Team Fortress 2 mix? You get this nicely done short film by MaGGoT4th, in which an Alien turns TF2's colorful cast into quivering mush puddles. Make sure to stick around for the twist ending.
It's always a shame to see hard work go to waste. After nearly 40 versions from a pair of dedicated fans, Valve…
"Utopia" by Russia-based shtopor777 of DeviantArt, modeled in Source Filmmaker and enhanced in Photoshop. Quite powerful. You can find more of the artist's work here. Read more
I always figured heists and car chases were more the domain of games like Grand Theft Auto, but this slick video…
The Scout tries to break through the fourth wall in redditor Karhunperse's Source Filmmaker photoshop, aptly named "4th Wall." It might also be a reference to the thematically similar Saxxy Award-winning short, Animation vs. Animator, mentioned by Karhunperse in the post's comments. Full pic below. Read more
Team Fortress 2's End of the Line update—while paired with a really fun film—was anemic, to say the least. After so…
Having been in production for years, James McVinnie's End of the Line short film has now been finished. And it's as…
Normally miniguns just sound like regular guns. With this mod, they can sound like Top Gun(s). Yes, I went there,…
It used to be that only female video game characters could rock booty shorts. But it's 2014, and people are taking…
Sometimes a small addition to a game can really mix things up, turning it into a completely different experience.…
Thing about video game strategies is, they're always helping you win. What's the deal with that? What if you want…
Turns out, playing a Spy is a piece of cake if you simply rely on what will now be known as the "puzzle gambit."
Want to play Fallout: New Vegas as one of Team Fortress 2's colorful classes, all the way down to skills, motives,…
This is probably the closest thing we'll get to a PC version of Mario Kart, er, ever.
It has kart racing. Kart racing! With adorable chubby faced characters. Valve has finally lost it—in a good way,…
I checked my RSS this morning, and saw - because I am still subscribed to the blog's feed - this news piece from…
Halloween makes people do strange things—for instance dress up in costumes and beg for candy from people who might…
Color changing characters, trading, and a little bit of fighting. That and YouTuber Chasming's take on Team…
Preordering Alien: Isolation at Steam will unlock special items for Team Fortress 2. They're perfect for chasing…