Daigo Umehara. AKA "The Beast". AKA The best Street Fighter player on Earth. If there's someone who might have…
On the left, console and arcade game Street Fighter IV. On the right, the Nintendo 3DS version of Super Street…
Capcom has already teased "new challengers" for Super Street Fighter IV arcade. At a recent location test, it was…
Daigo Umehara could very well be the greatest Street Fighter player on this spinning blue orb we call "Earth".…
Those aren't two interpretations of the same piece of news; if Game Informer are to be believed, then two fighting…
At this weekend's EVO tournament in Las Vegas, where the world's best Tekken 6, Super Street Fighter IV and Melty…
The current Pocket Monster animated series is called "Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl". That makes sense as that's what…
Street Fighter IV iPhone players might want to hop on iTunes for the latest free update, which adds Cammy and…
Hello, This Is My ArtBlog takes on Street Fighter IV and Lady Gaga. As seen by reader Al.
Daigo Umehara is arguably the most famous Street Fighter fighter on Earth — for this clip, perhaps. But which is…

Street Fighter IV? Great game. Guitar? Cool instrument. The sound of SFIV being played with a guitar?

Is Legacy really the best piece of footage based on the illustrious Street Fighter name? Guest writer Sinan Kubba…
SOTA Toys, specialists in the world of Street Fighter collectibles, will for their 10th birthday be releasing…
Earlier this month we flew ourselves out to Hawaii to soak in half a week's worth of news, hands-on time with games…
We went fifteen years between Street Fighter movies, and what do we have at the end of it? Two awful flicks, one so…
British bookmaker Paddy Power has shown today it knows a fresh cash stream when it sees one, as it will soon begin…
Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono tells Kotaku he takes mini-Blanka with him whenever he travels, snapping pics…