What is and what isn't a sport is an endless, often pointless argument, typically involving figure skating, stock…
To read the common rhetoric, it's hard to escape a feeling that annualized sports games represent some kind of…
Any get-together with my grad-school friends always involves a gantlet of getting my ass kicked at beer pong, then…
Patching and fixing games are not new concepts, nor are they exclusive to sports games. But sports gamers are…
To prove a point to me about Madden at E3, Peter Moore overstepped the possible and tiptoed on the unbelievable.
It seems like a familiar story: a baseball veteran gets to the end of his contract, can't sign another one, and…
Thursday's news of "The Jordan Challenge" coming to NBA 2K11 certainly felt like a trip down memory lane - of video…
This past week I had so much fun tinkering around with a game that I'm almost embarrassed to go back and read my…
You probably won't believe this, but I once made an official recruiting visit to a major college football program.…
Earlier this week, we learned that Madden NFL 11 had created a new player attribute, but then sold the naming rights…
This is a column about Peter Moore, and because it's about the EA Sports president, it's going to be, in some way,…
Looking back, I can't shake the feeling that it's what I didn't see at E3 that will provide, again, the juiciest…
With UFC Undisputed 2010 two weeks ago, and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 this week, the era of pay-to-play multiplayer…
It's the bottom of the fourth and that SOB Dallas Hodges is squeezing the zone low and away, again. Strike three…
Madden isn't the only way to play video game football. It is the only way to play NFL football. Other games must…
"Gus," I say, "tell me how you feel about the term ‘apeshit.'"
The more true-to-life the machine simulation, the more repulsive humans find it. That's the "uncanny valley." After…
My hardline stance against performance-enhancing drugs in sports is a convenient one, informed only by my experience…
Maybe no other sport is influenced this much by irregular stadium dimensions. Maybe no other sport has fans who'd…
Even if your wideout didn't see that linebacker coiled up between the hashmarks in Madden, ready to hit him like a…