In today's profanity and insult-laden Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Skeletal-Minion tells us exactly what he thinks…
With this week's release of Final Fantasy XIII-2 reopening the franchise discussion floodgates, commenter deuxhero…
Are you the type of gamer that can let one of your favorites go long enough for a friend to give it a go, or do you…
You know how in many video games with character creation your attempts to make an older, wizened sort of character…
Today's episode of Speak Up on Kotaku tackles a very topical and sensitive subject: How much everyone loves Final…
Isn't moving from disc-based software to downloadable digital products a step in the right direction? Commenter Parad…
Has one genre ever made you change your opinion of another? Commenter File2ish explains how Namco's Tales of…
Did you buy, rent, or steal a game last year expecting the worst only to be pleasantly surprised? Commenter DerpiestS…
We've gotten used to giving game developers a certain amount of leeway when it comes to glitches and bugs. In…
In today's Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Zombie711 wants Square Enix's DS masterpiece The World Ends with You to…
With today's news that BioShock Infinite will include a special old school difficulty mode, commenter Blessrok is…
With the North American release of Sony's next generation handheld a mere month away, commenter Yoshi Salcedo is…
With assets recently surfacing from a sadly cancelled Superman game, commenter Uncle Jesse wonders how anyone could…
Commenter Firescorpio takes us on a (somewhat misspelled) journey through the nine circles of Xbox Live hell, a…
In today's truly inspired edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter DunnCarnage shares with us five top secret video…
Perhaps angered by the large amount of used Xbox 360s and PlayStation 3s sitting around his local video game store,…
In today's timely edition of Speak Up on kotaku, commenter Nyan Khajiit lays out their video gaming plans for the…
Some folks loved the latest Legend of Zelda game but weren't fond of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Others turned up…
In these heady days of Skyrim, Portal 2, Batman: Arkham City, and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, have we…
Commenter Seivewright has completely fucking had it with online multiplayer games, and he isn't going to take it…