Airplane food sucks, especially in coach. Even when it's good, it's so bad. No wonder Japanese air carrier JAL is…
Like everyone, Japan loves Star Wars. It also loves Darth Vader, who has sold everything from smartphones phones to p…
The mediation has failed, and Hostess is closing its doors for good, selling off its popular brands to the highest…
The rise of mobile phone games has done wonders for the normally dark and seedy world of advergaming. With Oreo…
One of my favorite flavors in the entire world is the warm and spicy snap of gingerbread. The taste instantly…
Why spend a ridiculous amount of cash on one thing that's not as scarce as people think it is when you can get two…
In Japan, Morinaga Milk Caramel has delighted sweet tooths for over a hundred years. Dragon Quest has delighted…
This morning I reported on the closing on Hostess Brands Inc., the company that's been keeping America in Twinkies,…
Stop reading this and go to the store. Buy all the Twinkies, Ho-Ho's, Ding Dongs, Fruit Pies and chocolate cup cakes…
Out of the unique flavors Pepsi has released in Japan, Pepsi Special might have the most boring taste. However, it…
To mark the fifth year of Burger King's return to Japan, the fast food chain is once again offering a special deal…
I don't know if it's the "rating pending" box or something specific to the Xbox 360 version of the game, but I've…
Japanese people love pizza. The three most popular delivery restaurants that duke it out for the country's pizza pie…
If you've been to McDonald's while visiting other countries, you know that things can be a little different.…
Japan is getting a new kind of Pepsi. It's a special kind. It's so special that the name of it is, well, Pepsi…
Kotaku has already brought you the wonders—and innards—of the Hello Kitty meat bun. Now there's a Hello Kitty…
There are Snacktaku reviews that come into being as a result of months of research, vetting out of potential…
The old man leaned back in his chair and took a lingering drawl from his pipe as the wide-eyed children before him…
In the press image Burger King Japan released of its new "Bomb Pumpkin" burger, you can see the lettuce sitting atop…
The Pop-Tart was originally created as a way to capitalize on fancy new dog food foil freshness technology. True…