For the past eight years Choice, Australia’s biggest independent consumer organisation, has been running the Shonkys…
Word is that SimCity plays better these days. But it's safer to just wait for a sequel and not step back into early…
A team at Maxis is exploring the possibility of making an offline mode for the always-online SimCity, because you demanded it, according to an official update on the state of the game. (But they can't offer bigger cities; hurts performance.) Previously, Maxis management had said that an offline mode was rejected as… Read more
The good news is that SimCity will soon be allowing user-generated content. The bad news is that EA is looking to…
SimCity had one of the most catastrophic launches in video game history. Even after the server problems went away,…
I've seen some very similar responses to today's Xbox One news, whether it be the mandatory 24-hour "check-in" or…
Originally slated for a June 11 release — that would be this coming Tuesday — EA and Maxis have pushed back the Mac…
SimCity's latest v3.0 update has added an exciting new feature to the game: a disappearing or erratic mouse cursor.
Meet the Rogers. They live in that tiny little house. One of the first families to move into my burgeoning…
Nevermind the bugs: the folks behind SimCity say it's doing just fine.
Will Wright created SimCity. Will Wright did not work on the digital clusterfuck that was…

This week, hopeful eyes turned to SimCity as the troubled city-building game received its first major patch. Maxis ha…
Never write a question in a headline if you don't really want people to answer the question, but there it is. I'm…
One month ago today, EA and Maxis released SimCity into the wild. The game's launch was… troubled, to say the least.…

Misinformation. Server errors. Fan backlash. Since EA launched SimCity two weeks ago, the online city-builder has…
If you register a copy of SimCity by March 25, you get a free copy of one of eight PC games from EA's catalog,…
Last week, two of our writers played SimCity and deliberately turned off their Internet connections, both finding…
The hacker who made SimCity run offline now says the game's region features can run without an Internet connection, too.
Stop holding your breath for an official offline mode for the new SimCity. It doesn't seem like you'll be getting…

This video from Maxis' Guillaume Pierre demonstrates the in-progress fixes for the game's traffic congestion problems.