It's an excellent, brand-new year-one Wii U game.
I'm having a hard time remembering Dead Space 3.
After nearly a decade of playing Naruto video games, that annoying little jerk of a ninja unleashes his most…

Near the beginning of StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, as the noble pirate Jim Raynor and the…

For the first four and a half hours of the new God of War, you'd be forgiven for thinking that the game was made by…

I believe it was the bard Rayvon, performing in the poet Shaggy's seminal work, who said "Closer than my Peeps you…
Major League Baseball 2K13 is an offensively recycled product and an embarrassment to sports video games. In my five…
When Sega's Hardlight Studio released Sonic Jump last year, I shook my head. Jumping is not the ability Sonic the…

To many fans of the original city building simulation series, the idea of an online multiplayer game that required…
The oldest memory I have is of catching a baseball. Coming from a sports fan, this may sound like treacly,…
Let's get this out of the way up front: Mass Effect 3's latest—and last—downloadable add-on, titled Citadel, is…
I contend that one of Square Enix's finest acquisitions in 2009's take-over of Eidos Interactive was the six…

Aw, look at the little bear. Isn't he cute? Oh my god he's got a little scarf. And look, he's followed around by…

To my mind, the best kind of downloadable content expands on the experience that you've grown familiar with while…
Castlevania has a serious identity crisis.
Other than the eponymous xenomorphs, general bugginess and some laughable artificial intelligence, Angry Mob Games' …
In 2009, Australian developer Firemint released Real Racing for the iPhone, stunning mobile gamers with amazing…

You control a man in very fetching leotards. You've got to make him backflip. And that's it! Sound easy? Hahahah.…
Only the juggernaut that is Pizza Hut would have the balls to spend millions of dollars on post-Super Bowl…