My wife and I fell for one another while drinking crappy beer and watching horror movies of questionable quality.…
Two of us at Kotaku—Luke and Brian—really dug the first Toy Soldiers game when it came out. And now, years later,…
Level 26 of Velocity 2X has taken over my day. I wish I could just let go and move on with my life, but I am…
Thomas Was Alone, Mike Bithell’s charming 2010 platformer about the inner lives of hopping geometric shapes, was an…
One of the tool tips in Galak-Z says, “Death is just part of the circle of life.” That’s true. But, also: screw you, …
The insult of “walking simulator,” lobbed at video games whose strongest elements are exploration, discovery, and…
Luke and Patrick have been playing a lot of Rocket League, one of the surprise hits of the year so far. Rather than…
Rare games meant a lot to the people who played them, so a collection of 30 of (most) of their best works should…
Attack on Titan, of course, is a massively successful—and popular—manga and anime series. This live-action entry is…
Last night I fell asleep in my computer chair.
The versions of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman who appear in the new animated Justice League film Gods and…
Gyro. Biscuits and Gravy. Reuben Sandwich. Truffle Fries. The creator of one of these four potato chip flavors will…
Like the delightful and oppressive mobile-game galaxy that it summoned, Tetris is both seductive and dispiriting.…
When the folks at Xidax asked if I wanted to review one of its gaming rigs, I asked them for “something impressive.”…
I’d love to be able to report this week that I’ve reached the new level cap and experienced some of the high-end…
When Taco Bell initially announced its cream-filled Cap’n Crunch Delights, I compared them to testicles. Now that I…
If you are so into the Arkham games that you are going to be wounded by learning anything at all about Batman:…
At some point it dawned on Pizza Hut executives that sometimes people don’t want to eat pizza. Affixing foods people…
If you want to understand Massive Chalice, you need to understand XCOM.
“We’re closing the gap,” the Nova standing next to me shouted through her radio. “Keep your eyes on the prize!” But…