Japan loves Spider-Man. I mean they LOVE him. It's not the same with other American superheroes—Batman, Superman,…
Let's just get this out of the way: Yes, Quantum Conundrum is a first-person puzzler, just like Portal. Yes, it was…
Since the release of the first Pokémon role-playing game in 1996, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have attempted to…
I used to have one of the hugely impractical, super-expensive controllers for the original Steel Battalion. It went…
Lots of people play fighting games. Many are happy to use their standard control pads. But real fighting game…
Oreo. In the snacking world there are few words more powerful than that glorious combination of three vowels and a…
"Indie Game: The Movie" has finally been released into the wild. The much anticipated documentary centers on the…
The latest big-name Korean import to hit the North American massively-multiplayer online role-playing scene, Tera…
You could pick Suda51's work—like Killer7 or the more recent No More Heroes and Shadows of the Damned—out of a…
A few years back the international nutrition conspiracy struck a powerful blow against the forces of eating,…
I used to have extremely vivid dreams of flying in my teen years. They were accompanied by powerful physical…
The PlayStation Vita has two analog sticks and can run some of the same games that are on the PlayStation 3. That's…
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is quite a powerhouse franchise in Japan. There have been no less than six games…
The bigger the gaming laptop is, the more powerful it is. At least that's been the experience I've had in my gaming…
Reading about Dragon's Dogma, Capcom's latest title that ventures into open-world fantasy territory, is like viewing…
Most pop-culture apocalypses crank up the volume, right?
Whether it's alien invasions or natural disasters, the…
Ubisoft's Ghost Recon franchise has always occupied the "tactical military shooter" space a bit uneasily. The series…
Plagued with disconnects and shot through with lag, the May 15 launch of Diablo III had players and press alike…
I'll confess: I really wanted to start this review with a choice quote from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and…
Starhawk is a third-person shooter. Actually, scratch that, let me try again: Starhawk is a fighter-pilot game.…