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Dark Souls veteran Vaati continues to amaze with his and detailed theories about the Souls games and their backstory. His latest one might be spoilerish if you haven't finished Dark Souls II and its first DLC, but this might be the best source to speculate about the ending and what we'll see in the two upcoming DLCs.

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd will arrive in North America on November 18, with the rest of the world joining the party November 21. Preordering from GameStop will score players an Americana Module for Miku, as well as an extra character pack featuring Akita Neru, Yowane Haku, and Kasane Teto. Owners of the Read more

The story of a minor character you never meet in The Last Of Us teaches one inescapable truth of that world: one way

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So uh, remember the two trailers Gen Kim did for Guild Wars 2? He made a third one. For Destiny. And, as usual, it's very good! The song lends the game a very Borderlandsy feel. Even Bungie liked the video—so much so that they shared it on their Twitter and Facebook. (Thanks Carl, Robert and Ed!)

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PlayStation Now, Sony's streaming/renting service for games (well, some games), is moving into open beta. A word on prices: they're kinda ridiculous, though Sony says " you will start seeing reduced pricing on some 4-hour rentals" in "a few weeks".
