Stephen Totilo and I have spent the past week (and one very, very long night) playing, stress-testing and examining…
The PlayStation Move can be flummoxed by bright sunlight. That's the one stress test Sony's new motion controller…
We've posted more than a baker's dozen of Move reviews and 22 original videos showing off the gameplay and look of…
The PlayStation Move controller requires that you set a PlayStation Eye camera above or below your TV. Don't think…
There's not a whole lot you can do with the EyePet at this point to make it the sort of game I'd want to play.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 gets a healthy helping of motion controlling when the Move releases later this month.
A free patch will allow Heavy Rain players to control the game with a PlayStation Move wand in one hand and either a…
The light gun game, like the fighting game, has enjoyed a revival over the past few years. And while there is no…
You hear talk about games that are "not for you." You try to keep an open mind. You play Gears of War; you play de…
We've already been drooling about Echochrome ii here. Kind of unsightly. But look at this video I shot of the demo…
Last week: I had no desire to paint music using a PlayStation 3 motion controller. This week: I yearn to play the…
High Velocity Bowling first hit the Playstation Network back in 2007, but later this month it's getting an update,…
If it wasn't for the fact that it appears to be an -ahem- expansion of Wii Sports Tennis, the most notable aspect of…
The most futuristic thing you can do in video games so far this year is to play Start The Party.
Playing with blocks never gets old, especially if you're using a motion-control enabled Playstation 3 to do it.
They're launching the PlayStation Move with a game that plays like a Tony Hawk downhill trick racer, if Tony was a…
Sports Champions is bound to be the most owned Playstation Move game when the motion-detecting peripheral hits the…
We have a Move and a Navigation Controller. The PlayStation 3's new motion controllers pose here, alongside fruit, a…
The motion controller wars start now.