Ace Attorney 3: Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth is the third official Ace Attorney musical performed by the all female…

Following in the vein of the games of the Layton series, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney has more than its fair…

Not that I didn't want it here before. But come on. Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright teaming up to solve…
Those battling Ikki Tousen girls are bringing their torn clothes and short skirts to the Tokyo stage. The manga…
While the western hemisphere slept, over in Tokyo our Kotaku East team swarmed the first day of the 2012 Tokyo Game…

You'd expect the first 3D Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney game to look in motion.

As if I wasn't going to play the heck out of Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney already, straight out of TGS we've…
Last week, Capcom announced that everyone's favorite blue-suited defense attorney, Phoenix Wright, would be…
Never since the OJ murder trials has there been such a court room dream team. Professor Layton from the Professor…
Phoenix Wright is coming back to the courtroom (what ever happened to Apollo?) in the upcoming Ace Attorney 5 for…
Scans? Who needs 'em when you've got actual screenshots of the newest entry in the Ace Attorney series, which not…
Upcoming game Ace Attorney 5 is slated for the 3DS. Since the game is headed to Nintendo's glasses-free 3D platform,…
Update: Capcom has confirmed to me that Ace Attorney 5 is indeed coming to the U.S. Here's their statement:
Ace Attorney 5, announced earlier this year, is for 3DS, according to this week's Famitsu. Phoenix Wright will star.
Take that! HD remakes of all three Phoenix Wright games are coming to iPad and iPhone this fall, publisher Capcom…
The virtues of the live-action Ace Attorney movie have been expounded upon in Kotaku's official review. But because…

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is quite a powerhouse franchise in Japan. There have been no less than six games…
Yesterday on #Speakup, commenter chadoban asked which video game characters we'd all go gay (or straight) for. Your…
Today's Speak Up on Kotaku wonders about those characters that are just so darned attractive that they appeal even…