It's been a busy first day at PAX East, and we've only managed to capture a handful of cosplayers in our mad dash…
It's hard to get an accurate feel for the Rocket Tag online multiplayer mode for Crackdown 2 when every time I try…
Not many words for you about PAX East in this post. Just pictures and captions of some of the things we spotted on…
The last video game from Twisted Pixel was a ridiculous exploration of how good a game you can get out of a…
Just about everything I know after playing the new Hydro Thunder is what you knew if you read today's news about the…
While the singer desperately tries to make up for the absence of percussion, the PAX East Rock Band Freeplay stage…
It's 37 degrees outside in scenic downtown Boston, but Totilo and I are staying warm inside the John Hynes…
Midway's classic arcade speedboat racer Hydro Thunder is getting a full-fledged sequel with Hydro Thunder Hurricane,…
Monday Night Combat kind of looks like a first-person shooter version of Heroes of Newerth or League of Legends to…
Excerpts from the book The Splendid Magic of Penny Arcade: The 11 1/2 Anniversary Edition. Reprinted with express…
Tonight, in New York City, Kotaku is on a games journalism panel. Friday night, in Boston, Kotaku hosts a party.…
2K Games nails down a (hopefully) concrete release date for Mafia II, with fans getting their first taste of the…
Then you better head on over to Evil Avatar where they have two Red (three-day) passes to the big show in Boston.
Two weeks ago the inseparable duo behind popular game-themed web comic Penny Arcade received an award for their…
Are you an East Coast gamer tired of watching the West Coast gamers having all the fun? Registration has opened for …
The last gaming convention of 2009 has run its course. The cosplayers have packed their bags, content to allow…
With the number of confirmed cases of H1N1 Swine Flu coming out of last week's Penny Arcade Expo nearing 100, the…
In this week's episode of Kotaku Talk Radio we'll be talking about the reinvigorated console wars, the downside of…
Communication from official PAX sources indicate that the show may have been home to an infestation of the H1N1 flu…
In this week's episode of Kotaku Talk Radio we'll be talking about the reinvigorated console wars, the downside of…