Warner Bros. and TT Games announced today that there will be a new LEGO title launching in the fall of this year: LEG…
The Avengers' Hawkeye (lovingly referred to by comic scribe Matt Fraction as Hawkguy) gets a lot of flak from fans…
Professionally made comics simply shouldn't be this bad.
We've already shown an exclusive sneak peek of the English translation of the Hyrule Historia, which is due out…

The latest teaser for Zack Snyder's update on the saga of the Last Son of Krypton looks incredibly moody.…
These might be the most important words in comics: "Hey, have you read that?" The medium's lifeblood has always…
Dial H is the good kind of weird. The DC comics series springs from the imagination of renowned fantasy author…
The first issue of a comic book based on an animated series is not normally cause for excitement. My Little Pony:…
Let's get real: Sonic doesn't stand a chance. Sure, he's fast. You see that energy build-up in the Mega Buster…

I didn't know books had trailers now, but hey. At least there's no dubstep.
Evan's Note: Stumbles aside, the newly-released Wii U is already pointing towards one possible future for console…

Black Ops II is all about the consequences of unmanned war machines running amok under a hostile power. So the…
Batman knows on how to put on a freakin' show when he wants to. And he's polite, too.
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
These might be the most important words in comics: "Hey, have you read that?" The medium's lifeblood has always…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
The beta test for Gazillion's massively multiplayer metahuman brawl launched a while back. What's that, you say?…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
Some creators are meant to make myth. They're supposed to stride into humanity's shared stream of meaning and…