These Dragon Ball figures were first shown off this past February at the AOU arcade show. Those figures were…
Last year, Osaka-born graphic illustrator Ippei Gyoubu created the Tokyo Game Show's poster, which featured a…
Taro Aso was a shit prime minister, but in incidental things that count—shooting guns, collecting comics, and…
Hudson Soft human mascot Takahashi Meijin is leaving Hudson. His gaming nickname might be staying put.
Cave, the game developer best known for insane shmups like this, is holding an online version of its annual Cave…

After one of Japan's most beloved gaming mascots Takahashi Meijin revealed that he was leaving Hudson Soft,…
This August, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is invading Universal Studios Japan. Details are scant, but the USJ event…
In PSP game Akiba's Trip, players must expose vampires by...exposing them. Ripping their clothes off reveals if the…
Kotaku's already posted the game's Western box art—it looks nice. The game's Japanese box art looks nice, too.…

They might look like regular people, but their gaming skills are anything but. They're superplayers. They take…
In Japan, convenience stores, or "conbini" as they're called, dot the landscape. They're where people buy food and…
Throughout Japan, fastfood chain McDonald's and multimedia shop Tsutaya have Nintendo DS zones that allow DS owners…
Actress Keiko Awaji is proof of two things: video games have no age limit and even pretty ladies get old.
There's a yet another new Super Robot Wars OG game, and this one is heading to the PS3.
The 3DS is an expensive, beautiful piece of gaming hardware. Because it's so expensive, owners might be prone to…

Back in 1999, Japanese bread maker First Baking launched Pokémon bread.
To mark Resident Evil's 15th anniversary, Capcom turned Tokyo airsoft gun shooting bar EA into a S.T.A.R.S.. It's…
Spotted at the Shizuoka Hobby Show by Hobby Blog, these are life-sized vehicles that appear in the Gundam series.…
In the years that Kotaku's been on the internet, the site's done a wide array of things. One thing it's never done…