Pity the non-name-branded. What hope do they have for appearing in a Metal Gear game? But, we can at least let them…
Watch out for so-called heroes as you try merely to comment here about video games.
In light of all the art references in Assassin's Creed II, I was a bit disappointed that Florence didn't at that…
Beware of hungry dinosaurs as you talk here about video games.
We're doing still life for Talk Amongst Yourselves this month, specifically, Still Life With Skull by Paul Cezanne.…
The month ends and a new TAY image is needed. Please provide your April image candidates below, with artist and…
With the latest firmware upgrade, TAY is dropping text-in-word-balloons support. Sorry about that. Please keep…
It may never be sunny enough to play Boktai but today's weather is perfect for commenting here about video games.
Mornin' gang. Anyone else have an unusual Friday evening? Then again, what the hell is your usual Friday evening? If…
Let's all go to PAX East, okay? Who's with me? Fahey is. Anyone else? While we're on our way, please talk here about…
You can talk about video games in the comments section of this post, but can we also talk about voice-acting?…
If you can't be at NYU on Thursday, can you at least be right here today talking about video games? Thanks.
As of today, we are enabling a new feature at Talk Amongst Yourselves that will allow you to comment about video…
The TAY guys are getting ready to go to Boston for PAX East. Maybe you'll be there too? For now, please stay where…
On the weekend, you can talk about video games right here. This is Weekend TAY, which is just like Weekday TAY,…
More button-pressing is needed. Please press some here to discuss video games.
Dying to say something about video games? It's a good thing this post is here for you to comment on.
Press a few buttons in order to comment here about video games.