Having raised more than $4 million to reincarnate Mega Man as a less stagnant property, Keiji Inafune's Comcept…
This is "work-in-progress gameplay footage" from Mighty No. 9, the project that's a new Mega Man in all but name.
The latest Mighty No. 9 update features several new character designs. See more below, as well as video of Keiji…
Rockman fans, you probably feel like you've died and gone to Mega heaven.
Mighty No. Alpha: here's Keiji Inafune briefly playing an early Mighty No. 9 build—you might remember it as the spiritual successor to Mega Man. The game is not done, obviously, but its still nice to see progress!
Mighty No. 9—the spiritual descendant of Capcom's beloved Mega Man franchise—seems like it can't get here fast…
If you're a fan of Capcom's Street Fighter series, you've probably heard of Yoshinori Ono: he's been the series'…
The Kickstarter campaign for Mighty No. 9, a new Mega Man game in all but name, just closed. It made so much money…
OoOo Pretty: here is the first early footage of Mighty No. 9, the spiritual successor to Mega Man. It's a "super-short, super-rough engine test" on the Unreal engine, and the final product may end up looking rather different according to today's Kickstarter update.
Every spiritual successor to Mega Man needs a spiritual successor to Roll. In Mighty No. 9's case, it's a girl named…
In four days, Mighty No. 9's Kickstarter will come to an end and soon, development for Mega Man's spiritual…
Mega Man. Onimusha. Dead Rising. These are just a small sample of games from Keiji Inafune. Now, he's working on a…
Mighty No. 9's Kickstarter campaign managed to reach its 2.2 million stretch goal, which means the game will receive…
Let’s hope that the final version of Mighty No. 9 looks this good. The micro-loop is the work of Ari Gibson from Australian animation studio Mechanical Apple, and he clearly can’t wait for the game to come out either. It’s gonna be a long two years…
"Let Mega Man be Mega Man, and let Beck be Beck." Over at The Gameological Society, John Teti talks about why he's excited but also saddened about Mighty No. 9 and how it invokes the Mega Man legacy.
No, not these ones: well, here are a few designs that won't be making it into Mega Man's spiritual successor, Mighty No. 9 according to a backer email shared by NintendoTim. Gee, I wonder why? (Via r/gaming)
Keiji Inafune still loves Mega Man. But, to him, there’s no question who’d win if Capcom’s robot mascot and…
Really, it never takes long for the internet to do four things with media on the internet: write fan fiction, draw…
Boy, you guys sure showed Capcom. Having consigned Mega Man to the dustbin of history, the Japanese publisher is…
The new Dragon Age game, that looks extraordinary so far; Keiji Inafune's spiritual successor to Mega Man; five…