Another choice bit of Midway property changes hands as Capcom Entertainment announces the appointment of former…
Poor Midway. They sure ain't what they used to be. From arcade powerhouse to third-rate console publisher, today…
A federal judge has ruled in favor of Midway in a copyright infringement case over its 2004 game Psi-Ops. A…
Talk about your Black Friday deals. Hoping to resolve debt issues, stodgy old-timer Sumner Redstone has sold his…
Midway's Wheelman creative director Simon Woodroffe offered up some details about the company's future lineup of…
Fighter Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe is an interesting tie-in. On one hand, you've got MK and on the other DC…
If you hadn't caught on when their boss resigned, they lost a ton of money or they started firing a ton of people,…
Some of our more jaded readers may poo-poo Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe's softer, more broad reaching one-on-one…
Midway probably won't be happy at the lost rental revenues (why else would you pick the game up?), but whatever.…
Midway is finally ready to give us a solid release date on Wheelman, which means our long struggle for another…
They said it couldn't be done. Actually what they really said was it shouldn't be done, followed by several what…
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe is a massive change in direction for the fifteen year old series.
If you really want to play Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe but can't, in good conscience, do so without being able to…
According to an anonymous but reliable source, Midway laid off an estimated 20 to 30 employees from its Chicago…
Chicago-based developer Midway announced its third quarter earnings today, pulling in $51.4 million in revenue.…
Shari Redstone, Midway chairwoman and daughter of CBS/Viacom billionaire Sumner Redstone, has left the building. The…
By far the coolest thing I've seen come out of Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe was the Joker's fatality, which you…
Here are three more Fatality moves from Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe for your viewing pleasure - none of which are…
This global financial mess keeps on playing havoc with games publishers. Over the past day a number of companies…
Earlier this year, Midway's CEO David F. Zucker resigned from his position, with the company appointing an interim…