Metal Gear Solid 4 has always felt a tiny bit incomplete. It's a game that offers a ton of hidden secrets and…
Did you know that, before 1993, Nintendo of America had a rule that limited the number of games a publisher could…
Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima will show off his new Fox Engine on August 30, he said in an interview posted…
Kojima certainly didn't have to, but tweeted, "That title logo is completely fake. Apologies to those who were…
Konami has denied rumors that Metal Gear Solid 5 was revealed at San Diego Comic Con this past weekend, calling…
I'm not sure which terrific features of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance this new screenshot released today is…
The Metal Gear series is 25 years old this year. From its modest beginnings on the MSX2 console (the what?), to its…
Good things comes to those to wait—or trophies, rather. MGS4 is finally getting PlayStation trophies via patch. The…
It's not that recent official offerings have been bad, they've been pretty good, but these custom Metal Gear figures…
Since I had not played Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater until recently, I had also not seen its introductory…
The end of Konami's stealth-meets-shooting multiplayer offering is nigh. It never became an persistent online…
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a true gaming classic, held up by many as not just the best game in the Metal Gear…
I liked the last Metal Gear figures Play Arts released, but I like the looks of this one a lot more.
Walk quietly and carry a very sharp sword. Oh, and wear a Cyborg Ninja suit. Raiden is one of Metal Gear's most…
At the 2009 Tokyo Game Show, Keiji Inafune, creator of Mega Man, Onimusha, and Dead Rising uttered the following:…
"This is not a stealth game," Platinum Games' Atsushi Inaba said of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. That's certainly…
Listen up, social butterlfies. Stealth series Metal Gear might eventually contain social game elements. According to…
E3 2012 wasn't just a banner year for bows and helicopters, it was also quite the year for throat-trauma. From Splint…
You've seen the trailer. You've seen the gameplay. Now gaze up these Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance screens. But…
Thought that gameplay trailer was bananas? It was. This gameplay demo walkthrough might seem tame, but it'll slice…