Sure, Namco Bandai's latest Tales RPG had to settle for a fourth place finish, but it faced strong competition. Phant…
Strong sales of Phantasy Star Portable may have given PSP sales a boost, helping to keep Sony's handheld in first…
Looking at this week's Media Create software sales chart, Sega's attempt to target the Monster Hunter crowd with a…
PlayStation brand hardware is down. Nintendo hardware is up. While Dragon Quest V didn't give the Nintendo DS much…
Square Enix's Dragon Quest V remake for the Nintendo DS enjoys another week atop the Media Create software sales…
This week's Media Create hardware numbers have a couple of minor surprises, with the PSP getting a considerable…
You know how this works. Square-Enix takes classic game, remakes it for the Nintendo DS, Japan freaks. The gamers in…
There is no cure for PSP fever in Japan, what with all those massive marquee releases happening overseas. Like... um …
Everything old is new again, as PlayStation 2 release Persona 4 rockets to the top of the Japanese sales charts,…
Will nothing end the tedium of the PSP dominating Media Create hardware charts? We can't even take satisfaction in…
It may have settled for a third place showing last week, but with less fierce competition the week after Daigasso!…
Just because Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G sales are waning (finally) doesn't mean that the urge to buy PSP hardware…
Out with the old, in with the NEW. The weekly Media Create sales chart is packed with new Japanese releases, with Der…
Well, the PlayStation 3 had a good run. Err... week. After a big boost from fourth to first on the wings of Metal…
You might've heard that Old Snake is no longer the king of the mountain in Japan. He's been toppled by a buncha…
Well, here's something you don't see every Thursday. That giant red slice of the Japanese hardware pie is the Metal…
It should come as no surprise that Metal Gear Solid 4 was Japan's best-selling game last week, as publisher Enterbrai…
Hardware sales in Japan were down a bit for every console that didn't get its own version of Namco Bandai's Dragon…
It's been almost three months, but a PlayStation 3 game shoots to the top of the weekly Japanese sales charts with Dr…
This week, it's all about bobble-headed baseball, as Konami's Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball Portable 3 replaces…