Good news and bad news for Medal of Honor fans: Gunfighters, the level shown off at Gamescom that has you…
The line between role-playing game and strategy game blur even further with Might and Magic Heroes VI, bringing the…
What happens when you add a guitar track to Sony's Singstar? You get half of Rock Band, and not the particularly…
I finally got my first chance to go hands-on with Kinect today, and I wasn't allowed to use my hands.
The line one of the makers of the next Call of Duty uses about the series is that these games are movies we can…
Sega offers a new perspective on the Virtua Tennis series for its next outing, a new title that touts two key…
The featured instrument of Rock Band 3 at Gamescom in Germany will be the one being added to the franchise, the…
Recently in New York it was Gabe who showed me the next Tony Hawk video game, Tony Hawk Shred. Gabe did a great job,…
The trailer teased a return to the underwater failed Utopia of Rapture, first seen in 2007's BioShock. But last…
Costume Quest, a game with a dull name and a colorful pedigree is not just a trick-or-treating role-playing game…
More than 17 years after it was released, more than a decade after I was first paid to write about video games, I…
Is Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune as adept at directing movies as he is creating video game icons? Find out, as we…
The more violent but still suave Daniel Craig version of James Bond gets an original, cinematic adventure in James…
With six additional teams and a slew of custom visuals, NCAA Football 11 released an uncommonly ambitious demo last…
Or maybe I should have asked what movies did it not remind me of?
I've never seen combat, but I've heard it said that it is hurricane bursts of life-and-death activity bridged by an…
The same day Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers would repeat as NBA champions just a block away from E3, 2K…
A glamorous, raven-haired beauty clad in a slinky dress wanders through a showcase of the world's most expensive…
Though it leaves the Pacific islands for New York City, Crysis 2 is still governed by the law of the jungle - do…
Under EA Black Box, Need For Speed had conditioned me to put the accelerator trigger in a death grip and never let…