Total simulation racers are not something I've played much at all. I've got nothing against them, but I tend to…
Smart games sometimes feel hard to come by. But when you do stumble on a smart game, it's easy to tell how much…
As much of a pansy as I am when it comes to horror games, I just can't get enough of them. The Dead Space franchise…
Hell Yeah! is the story of an undead rabbit prince, who got caught in an unfortunate, public scandal when pictures…
Let's go ahead and say it: NBA 2K13 is right back where it was two years ago—locked in the only meaningful…
Developer Vigil Games' next Darksiders title retains the hack and slash formula from its predecessor, but it…
When Halo 4 launches on November 6th later this year, it will ship with a full season of a multiplayer mode called …
When I first looked at Taoyuan, I wasn't interested. In fact, I was almost put off by it. The only reason why I…
Amaré Stoudemire stands 6-foot-10. At that height, little lob-in passes are what the Knicks power forward receives,…
In room 13 of the Overlook Motel on the scenic Savage Coast of New England there's a doorway that leads directly to…
Harley Quinn's Revenge has had the opposite effect on me than whatever its creators likely intended.
What if one day you went to sleep and when you woke up your teenaged neighbor was The President and you the vice…
This last weekend, Sony kicked off a nationwide promotional tour for the June 7 release of Tokyo Jungle at…
As I prepare to spend Tuesday through eternity putting Diablo III through its paces, SteelSeries sent along a care…
When I first saw the Xbox Kinect, I was a GA (Game Advisor or peon) at GameStop,. I felt a sense of wonder and I…
Last Friday, Sega introduced us to the sequel to their alternative to Nintendo's Mario Kart. Racing against their PR…
When I first heard that a visual novel centered around dating girls with physical disabilities was being made, my…
When I first played Diabolical Pitch, it was at the Tokyo Game Show 2011. There at the Microsoft booth, I played…
Available now at GameStop locations across the U.S. Nyko's Speaker Stand for the PS Vita adds a little more oomph to…
If you think Nintendo is just an assembly line of Mario, Zelda and Pokémon , you're probably missing some of their…