Mobius Final Fantasy (previously Mevius Final Fantasy) is the latest official Final Fantasy game. It’s a…
With all the world building and character introductions out of the way, it’s finally time to reveal some mysteries…
I’m trying to write my initial Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward expansion MMO log in such a way as to minimize my time…
The original Disney Infinity was a wonderful celebration of some iconic Disney worlds (Pirates of the Caribbean,…
After years of dealing with the stamina restrictions and constant rotation of powerful paid content in the mobile…
Late last month Sega released their newest mobile game: Hortensia Saga. But unlike many free-to-play mobile games,…
If the first part of Broken Age was a game about family, then its follow-up is a game about what happens when you…
I’ve been playing Mortal Kombat X since late last night and I don’t want to stop.
War is hell… but it’s slightly less hellish when viewed from a distance. At least, that’s true of Running With…
The latest patch for Heroes of the Storm's closed beta hits three major beats—a new game mode, the debut of the…
Plagued by the noxious emissions from Evil Inc.'s industrial complex, the citizens of Burnstar's Fairway Island have…
I've always said that the best thing about Telltale games isn't QTE-heavy action or near-pornographic dedication to…
Battlefield Hardine is a shooter that rewards not shooting. In the single player at least. If you wondered how it…
I just finished the second book of Dreamfall Chapters, yet I still feel like I am waiting for the story proper to…
Over the last week, I've put in about 15 hours into Code Name: STEAM, a steampunk turn-based strategy game from…
Early in Valley of the Yetis, protagonist Ajay Ghale sees one of the mythical beasts for the first time. "What the…
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood will drive perfectionists crazy, because they'll want to master everything about the…
They're calling it a demo, not a game, and it's not quite perfect. You can't even walk in it, after all. But…
Until last weekend, Helldivers was totally off my radar. Then my boss Stephen texted me on Sunday saying we should…