Is there life on Mars? On the surface Far Cry 5’s second DLC seems to answer in the affirmative. The red rock is…
Concluse is an atmospheric horror indie that was released on June 29. It’s free. It’s also a game that managed to…
Our train slowly chugged to a halt. Something was apparently blocking the road up ahead, possibly put there by a…
I managed to survive E3 2018, my first one in fact, and I can even remember most of the games I saw and played.…
There’s a new Sonic racing game coming, one that ostensibly brings an element of teamwork to the action. So why did…
Before I knew anything else about it, I knew My Friend Pedro looked cool. I first came across the solo-developed…
I sat down with Anthem, BioWare’s upcoming shared-world third-person shooter, for 30 minutes today. I came away…
I’ve played some Fortnite matches alone and with friends, but the game never it clicks with me. I don’t like…
Many people wouldn’t consider their job to be what they “really do.” Even in the best of circumstances, who hasn’t…
Like many time travel stories, Omensight relies on repetition. In the spiritual successor to the studio’s previous…
Pillars of Eternity II is aptly named. Fifty hours in, I feel like I’ve only just gotten started.
Magic: The Gathering has been running for as long as I can remember. Even when I was young, going to the games store…
Two new fighters, Broly and Bardock, hit Dragon Ball FighterZ this week. Bardock comes from an appropriately named…
Sea of Thieves is no place for the solo swashbuckler. Bereft of boisterous crewmates, strange thoughts enter the…
I downloaded The Sims Mobile to see if it would let me trap a virtual person in a bathroom-less building. Now I’m…
I’ve played hours of the remastered version of Burnout Paradise prior to today’s release of the game on Xbox One and…
Today, the hottest game on earth launched on the most ubiquitous device around. While Fortnite on mobile is only…
Old-timey mobster Vinnie Cannoli returns for another round of zombie slaying in Crazy Monkey Studios’ Guns, Gore and…
Calling this game Tekken Mobile instead of Tekken Tap Tournament is a missed opportunity, but that’s besides the…
Pit People is finally out of Early Access and officially released on both Steam and Xbox One and if you haven’t…