We featured the work of LEGO builder ORRANGE back in 2009, with his brilliant take on Half-Life, but a recent…

Half-Life 2 is a vast and interesting game. This YouTuber fragments it into 60 seconds to give you the best, most…
If there's one man who knows from originality in video games, it's Viktor Antonov. He's the man responsible for the…
The website ValveTime has posted a gallery of concept art that their source claims are leaked pieces of concept art…

Generally speaking, people compare games by listing bullet points. Which game has better graphics, which game has…

I've never played as a black video game character who's made me feel like he was cool. Worse yet, I've never played…
And you thought it was some giant building in Dubai. Nope. According to measurements converted from in-game models…
German artist Daniel Ritthanondh is the man to thank for this Half-Life-inspired lamp, which will simultaneously…

Well, if we're going to be doing more recent games for Total Recall, we'd better talk about Half-Life 2 sooner…
Actually, calling it an action figure does it a bit of a disservice. The term "action figure" conjures all sorts of…
Kotaku was at the New York Toy Fair this weekend in full effect, snapping photos, taking footage and just generally…
Or is it a protest for Half-Life 3? Whatever.

Reader Michael has spent over 100 hours putting together this music video, in which the narration from Godspeed…
Since we ran a feature on Duncan Harris, the groovy "video game photographer" behind the website DeadEndThrills,…

Harrison Krix's replica Half-Life 2 gravity gun looked incredible, but it was never destined for his shelf, or…
If you've ever wanted to see a live-action Half-Life 2 movie, these mock posters are only going to make you want to…
Custom LEGO builder Brandon Bannerman doesn't wait for due process to take its course, he makes his own damn LEGO.…

Good evening, Kotaku. I hope you weren't trying to get any sleep tonight.
Master craftsman Harrison Krix has built himself a replica of Gordon Freeman's Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2. It's…